
arstechnica , to Random avatar

Elon Musk calls for “criminal prosecution” of X ad boycott perpetrators

Congress accused advertisers group of colluding to tank X's revenue.

uberprutser , avatar

@arstechnica I'm also boycotting twitter, I hope musk won't suit me :)

nazokiyoubinbou , avatar

@arstechnica Can we PLEASE stop putting malignant narcissists in charge of things?

georgetakei , to Random avatar

A regular Annie Oakley!

geos , avatar

@georgetakei I think that is fake. those are the casings

nazokiyoubinbou , avatar

@georgetakei What I find really crazy about this is the alt-text actually calls them bullets.

rbreich , to Random avatar
Okanogen , avatar

I remember both times you kneecapped Hillary Clinton, and long before that, Al Gore.
At one time I respected you, but I realized at some point it was only because of your flowery mastery of language, rather than the quality or value of your opinion.

austinlehman , avatar
georgetakei , to Random avatar

People in Albany sure are hungry.

mrbruno , avatar

@georgetakei So they have two patties but not three?

John C. Reilly as confused Dr. Steve Brule.

mrsbeanbag , avatar

@georgetakei top tip though you can order a double whopper and add an extra patty

arstechnica , to Random avatar

Intuit’s AI gamble: Mass layoff of 1,800 paired with hiring spree

Intuit CEO: "Companies that aren’t prepared to take advantage of [AI] will fall behind."

SmashToday , avatar

@arstechnica I can't wait until Intuit commits mass tax fraud because an AI program made everything up.

rocketjsquirrel , avatar

You go Intuit! What will befall them couldn't happen to a better group of inept, grasping assholes.

arstechnica , to Random avatar
nazokiyoubinbou , (edited ) avatar

@arstechnica I had to check the date on this post.


Are you sure you don't mean blurays or something at least? People seem to be so silly about resolution even in things that don't need it (I, for one, care more about the quality of the story than about whether I can see how open the actor's pores are that day) that it's hard to imagine most of them watching 480i all that much these days. In fact, interlacing was meant for analog CRTs and looks horrible on digital displays.

deane , avatar

@arstechnica Physical media might be appealing again, but DVDs are absolutely NOT appealing. Stupid, brittle, delicate recording format that gets damaged way too easily.

georgetakei , to Random avatar

That pun is a K.O.🥋

Lane , avatar


If you don't finish putting on your black belt, your pants will fall down.

georgetakei OP , avatar

@uriy Perfect. No notes. 😂

georgetakei , to Random avatar
eleeper , avatar

@georgetakei I'll say it again: replacing "colored" with "person of color" will lead to both accidental tongue slips and people using the former intentionally and then claiming a tongue slip.

JeffS , avatar

@georgetakei how old is he?!

rbreich , to Random avatar
tleekeene , avatar
stuartb , avatar

And, just for the record, the vast majority of advanced Western nations who have all those safety nets that the US lacks aren't Socialist either.
Even here in the UK, the best EU can hope for is One Nation Toryism, even from the current Labour administration.

arstechnica , to Random avatar

Republicans angry that ISPs receiving US grants must offer low-cost plans

Law requires grantees to offer low-cost plans. GOP calls it "rate regulation."

neonharbinger , avatar

@arstechnica One wonders why we even report on such things anymore. (/s) Republicans only like something if it makes life more difficult or impossible for minorities.

nazokiyoubinbou , avatar

@arstechnica I seriously can't see how people can't see that calls for privatizing things with no limits won't result in, well, no limits. In such a system it's not lowest bid wins, it's everyone finds the absolute highest bid they can get away with and then just focus on marketing to convince people their way overpriced service is better than the other way overpriced service. Marketing works a lot better than pricing for competition it seems because that's just how humans are.

georgetakei , to Random avatar
mannysprattle , avatar

@georgetakei The vision of her dancing should last for years. I know this because I don't dance much but it creeps up on me every once in a while. Rest now, you deserve it.

geos , avatar

Um, okay. Bye...

georgetakei , to Random avatar

Have a heart!

thesequesterednook , avatar
nazokiyoubinbou , avatar

@georgetakei I need this on the front of my car. Not sure why, but around here people think the acceleration lane is for not accelerating. They insist on getting on going 40 in a 70 where other traffic goes 80+. And of course if you're the one behind them that means the trailer truck that can't change lanes is now on your bumper downshifting like mad, engine screaming, just a grill in your rear view mirror.

georgetakei , to Random avatar

Project 2025 has been gaining media attention lately, and rightly so. With celebrities and politicians alike raising the alarm about this terrifying MAGA-made plan for a second Trump term, it's important to understand just what it would mean if it were implemented. Writer Jay Kuo breaks down the 900-page document into its key subject areas so you don't have to.

alaak ,

@georgetakei In 1933 Germany we called this „Reichstagsbrandverordnung“ and „Ermächtigungsgesetz“. 🤬

SordidAmok , avatar

@georgetakei I'm glad P2025 is finally getting some attention. Even NPR is talking about it.

georgetakei , to Random avatar

They certainly came prepared 😂

algorithm_guy , avatar

@georgetakei mayonnaise is a WHAT?!

Petecolors ,

@georgetakei wow! When I was a kid, the Mets traded Strawberry to the Dodgers, and I and a buddy drew signs of green ooze dripping from Strawberries for when he showed up at Shea..unfortunately it was a rain out and he was a no show! But glad to see Mets fans haven’t lost their nerve!!!

arstechnica , to Random avatar

Peer review is essential for science. Unfortunately, it’s broken.

There's no incentive to fix the system, which was never designed to catch fraud anyway.

birdpoof , avatar


Add at both ends and it's even BETTER 🙄

buddhaha , (edited ) avatar

@arstechnica This is another tragic example of how humanity over and over again destroys some of its most beneficial creations only because some - unfortunately - intelligent individuals play unfairly and abuse a system to gain a personal advantage. And just like game theory tells: in the long run everyone has to play unfairly or otherwise fault by default... classic lose - lose

A fix? Most likely impossible without a huge crisis as the gatekeepers benefit from the current system.

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